3rd Annual Joint Meeting – 1,488th Regular Meeting
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
6:00 P.M.
St. John’s Lodge #1P
2115 Broad Street
Cranston, RI 02905-3303
3rd Annual Joint Meeting between St. John’s #1 Providence and Ezekiel Bates Lodge Under Dispensation of the Grand Master of Mason in Massachusetts and the Grand Master of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations will meet at St. John’s Lodge #1 in Cranston, Rhode Island to conduct their respective meetings. St. John’s #1 opens at 6:00 P.M. Receive the Grand Master of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Most Worshipful Glen Carlson Dinner from 7:00-8:00 $10.00 per person Reservations are a must NO exceptions. Ezekiel Bates Opens at 8:00 P.M. Receive the Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts Most Worshipful Paul Gleason Followed by an evening of fellowship. To make reservations please email: seceb1870@gmail.com Follow the event on Facebook