148th Installation of Officers

148th Installation of Officers

Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M. 148th Installation of Officers Saturday, September 30th 2017 2:00 PM Join us as we install our officers for the 148th year. Much more information to come! Reserve your seat...
Masonic Con 2017 – Freemasonry and the Higher Man

Masonic Con 2017 – Freemasonry and the Higher Man

Freemasonry and the Higher Man Presented by: Brother Angel Millar Presented April 29th 2017 Angel Millar is the author of The Crescent and the Compass: Islam, Freemasonry, Esotericism and Revolution in the Modern Age (2015), Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western...
Wheaton Whims 2017

Wheaton Whims 2017

Wheaton Whims 2017 April 19th 2017 Ezekiel Bates Lodge held its first Spouses Appreciation night for their meeting in April. The evening started off with an outstanding dinner prepared by Ms. Melissa Twitchell. The lodge hired the world renowned acapella ladies group...
Food and Friends

Food and Friends

Sat, May 20th 2017, Ezekiel Bates Lodge returned to the Hebron Food Pantry’s “Food and Friends” kitchen to serve lasagna again to the less fortunate of Attleboro. The night before, a small gathering of Brothers and one member’s wife assembled...