Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Brother Benjamin J. Angell January 24th 1829 – October 14th 1886 He was a partner from 1880 to 1886 with Brothers Gideon Martin and Everett S. Horton in Attleboro MA as HORTON, ANGELL &...
Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Brother George F. Bicknell 3rd Master of Ezekiel Bates Lodge in 1873 Charter Junior...
Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Brother Joseph L. Sweet 7 Feb 1852, Mansfield Ma – 1932, Attleboro Ma Bro. Sweet was a partner from circa 1875 to 1930 with Robert Fitz Simmons and Edgar L. Hixon in Attleboro, Ma as R. F. SIMMONS Company, manufacturing jewelers. After taking upon the degrees...
Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Brother Lloyd G. Balfour January 6th 1887 – July 11th 1973 Joined Ezekiel Bates Lodge January 19th 1938 Brother Lloyd Garfield Balfour started his jewelry company Lloyd G. Balfour Company in 1913 with another brother of Ezekiel Bates George Nerney , in order to...
Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Brother Harold E. Sweet Brother Harold E. Sweet followed his father’s footsteps and joined Ezekiel Bates Lodge. At 37 (1914) Harold was elected the first mayor of Attleboro. In private life, he was a businessman and served as general manager and treasurer...
Prominent Ezekiel Bates Members
Right Worshipful Alfred R. Crosby Born August 31 1838 in Glover, Vermont R.W. Crosby. At the age of 23 he enlisted in M Company 1st New Hampshire Battery, to defend the Union in the War of the Rebellion. At the close of the war he moved to Attleboro and co-founded...