The Ezekiel Bates Traveling Gavel was presented to the elected officers of Ezekiel Bates Lodge
on October 21st 2015 by Right Worshipful Heath VerBurg.
How to claim the gavel:
- Visit our lodge on a regular stated communication on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except July and August
- Have one elected officer (Master, Warden, Secretary, or Treasurer) and 4 members of your lodge.
- If two lodges meet the requirements, the gavel will go to the furthest lodge.
- Once taken any member of Ezekiel Bates Lodge can retrieve the gavel from your lodge.
- If another lodge claims the gavel from another lodge, we request the lodge inform the Secretary of Ezekiel Bates Lodge.

On November 21st 2015 after claiming the Ezekiel Bates Traveling Gavel at our November meeting while visiting as a member of Overseas Lodge #40. Most Worshipful Raymond E. Hassell opened the Rhode Island Grand Lodge Semi Annual Meeting with our gavel.